Dengue fever is a mosquito- borne viral infection that affects millions of people worldwide, especially in tropical and tropical regions. The complaint is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue can range from mild flu- suchlike symptoms to severe complications similar as dengue hemorrhagic fever( DHF) and dengue shock pattern( DSS), which can be fatal if not treated on time.

What’s Dengue Fever?
Dengue fever is a viral infection caused by the dengue contagion( DENV), which has four different strains( DENV- 1, DENV- 2, DENV- 3, and DENV- 4). When a person recovers from one strain, they gain continuance impunity against that strain but can still be infected by the other three, adding the threat of severe complications.
Types of Dengue Fever
1. Mild Dengue Fever – Causes flu- suchlike symptoms and generally resolves on its own.
2. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever( DHF)– Leads to internal bleeding, low platelet count, and blood tube leakage.
3. Dengue Shock Pattern( DSS) – The most severe form, causing dangerously low blood pressure, organ failure, and death.
Causes and Transmission of Dengue
How is Dengue Transmitted?
Dengue is transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, which generally bites during the early morning and late autumn. The mosquito gets infected after smelling a person formerly carrying the contagion and also spreads it to others. Dengue is not spread through direct mortal contact, food, or water. threat Factors for Dengue Infection Living in or traveling to tropical regions. Areas with poor sanitation and stagnant water. Weak vulnerable system or former dengue infections. Lack of
mosquito control measures in the community.
Symptoms of Dengue
Fever Dengue symptoms generally appear 4 – 10 days after a mosquito bite and can last for over to a week. Common Symptoms of Mild Dengue
✅ High fever( up to 104 °F or 40 °C)
✅ Severe headaches
✅Pain behind the eyes
✅ Muscle, joint, and bone pain( also called” breakbone fever”)
✅ Skin rash
✅ Nausea and puking
✅ Fatigue and weakness
Severe Dengue Symptoms( DHF & DSS – Medical exigency)
⚠️ Severe abdominal pain
⚠️ patient vomiting( with or without blood)
⚠️Bleeding from the nose, epoxies, or internal bleeding
⚠️ Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing
⚠️ Restlessness or confusion
⚠️ unforeseen drop in blood pressure( shock) still, seek immediate medical help to help life- hanging complications, If any of these severe symptoms appear.
How is Dengue Diagnosed?
Croakers diagnose dengue grounded on symptoms, medical history, and laboratory tests. Common individual Tests Dengue NS1 Antigen Test – Detects the contagion in the early stages. Dengue IgM and IgG Antibody Test – Identifies once or recent infections. Complete Blood Count( CBC) – Checks platelet situations, as dengue
frequently causes a drop in platelets.
Prevention of Dengue Fever
Since there’s no specific cure for dengue, forestallment is the stylish way to stay safe.
How to help Dengue
1. Avoid Mosquito mouthfuls Use nonentity repellents containing DEET or picaridin. Wear long- sleeved apparel and pants, especially during mosquito-active hours. Sleep under a mosquito net, especially in dengue-prone areas.
2. Control Mosquito parentage exclude stagnant water from holders, pots, and drains. Cover water storehouse holders duly. Use larvicides or introduce natural bloodsuckers like fish in water sources.
3. Community sweats share in mosquito control programs. Spread mindfulness about dengue forestallment.
4. Vaccination Dengue vaccines like Dengvaxia are available in some countries for people with a history of dengue infection. still, consult a croaker before considering vaccination. —
Treatment for Dengue
Fever There’s no specific antiviral treatment for dengue. utmost cases are managed with probative care to relieve symptoms and help complications.
Home Care for Mild Dengue Cases
✅ Rest and hydration – Drink plenitude of fluids to help dehumidification.
✅ Fever control – Use paracetamol( acetaminophen) for fever and pain relief. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can increase the threat of bleeding.
✅ Nutrient-rich diet – Consume fruits, authorities, and fluently digestible foods to boost impunity. Hospital Treatment for Severe Dengue Cases Intravenous( IV) fluids to maintain hydration. Blood transfusion in cases of severe bleeding or veritably low platelet count. Oxygen remedy for breathing difficulties.
For more information on dengue fever, its symptoms, and prevention, visit the official World Health Organization (WHO) website.